Roblox Blox Fruits Codes – [UPDATE 21] 2023

The Blox Fruits Codes offer a free 2x Experience Boost, Money, and the STAT Reset points to the users in the Blox Fruits game. Here we will explain how to use these codes to reset your Blox fruits Stat points and change your name in-game title.

Active Blox Fruits Codes List

Please take a look at the working Blox Fruits Codes for free 2x EXP Boost and game Stat reset…

  • KITT_RESET – Use this code for a Stat Reset
  • SECRET_ADMIN – Use this code for 20 minutes of 2x EXP Boost
  • Sub2CaptainMaui – Use this code for 20 minutes of 2x EXP Boost
  • ADMIN_TROLL – Use this code for 20 minutes of 2x EXP Boost
  • STAFFBATTLE – Use this code for 20 minutes of 2x EXP Boost
  • Youtuber_Shipbattle – Use this code for 20 minutes of 2x EXP Boost
  • DRAGONABUSE – Use this code for 20 mins of 2x EXP Boost
  • JULYUPDATE_RESET – Use this code for the game STAT Reset.
  • 15B_BESTBROTHERS – Use this for 1 hour of 2x EXP Boost
  • Sub2CaptainMaui – Use this code for 20 minutes of 2x EXP Boost
  • DEVSCOOKING – Use this code for 20 minutes of 2x EXP Boost
  • NOOB_REFUND – Use this code for the game STAT Reset.
  • Sub2Fer999 – Use this code for 20 Minutes 2x EXP Boost.
  • Enyu_is_Pro – Use this code for 2x EXP Boost.
  • KittGaming – Use this code for 2x EXP Boost.
  • 3BVISITS – Use this code for 30 Minutes of 2x EXP.
  • SUB2GAMERROBOT_EXP1 – Use this code for game STAT Reset.
  • SUB2GAMERROBOT_RESET1 – Use this code for EXP Boost.
  • FUDD10 – Use this code for $1 Beli in-game currency
  • FUDD10_V2 – Use this code for $2 Beli currency
  • JCWK – Use this code to get 2x EXP for one hour.
  • Magicbus – Use this code to get 2x EXP for 30 minutes
  • StrawHatMaine – Use this code to get 2x EXP for one hour
  • Sub2OfficialNoobie – Use this code for 20 Minutes of 2x game experience.
  • BIGNEWS – Use this code to get an in-game title.
  • Axiore – Use this code to get 2x experience for 20 Minutes.
  • Bluxxy – Use this code to get 2x experience for 15 Minutes.
  • SUB2NOOBMASTER123 – Use this code to get 2x experience for 15 Minutes.
  • SUB2UNCLEKIZARU – Use this code for a Stat Refund.
  • Sub2Daigrock – Use this code to get 2x experience for 15 Minutes.
  • THEGREATACE – Use this code to get 2x experience for 20 Minutes.
  • TantaiGaming – Use this code to get 2x experience for 15 Minutes.
  • STRAWHATMAINE – Use this code to get 2x experience for 15 Minutes.
Reward NameDetail
2x EXPIncrease game experience points with a double rate.
STAT Points ResetReset your game STAT Points.
STATS RefundIt will Restore your previous STAT Points.
$1 (Beli)It will give you 1 Beli currency.
Title ChangeIt will change your in-game title.

Expired Codes List

The following codes for blox fruits are no longer active…

  • EXP_5B
  • RESET_5B
  • ShutDownFix2
  • UPDATE11
  • UPD16
  • UPD15
  • UPD14

Blox Fruit F.A.Q

How To Use Blox Fruits Codes?

To redeem codes in Blox Fruits, you need to follow the following steps…

  1. First, open the game and select the Pirates or Marines that you want to become.
  2. Now look for a blue color “Twitter” icon on the left side of your computer screen.
  3. Now click on that to open the code redemption window.
  4. Then enter one of the above-given codes and hit the try button to get your reward.

What Are STAT Points Reset?

The “STAT” means statistics of the game. Sometimes players want to start new gameplay or a new journey in the game but with no previous game statistics points or value. So in this case, they use STAT Points Reset Codes to reset their game Stats.

What is a “STAT” Refund?

The “STATS Refund” means restoring your previous game statistics (STATS) points that you accidentally reset using a “STAT Points Reset Code”. There are 3 ways by which you can restore or refund your “STAT Points” in the Blox Fruits game.

  1. Spending 75 Robux.
  2. By using a “STAT Refund Code” that we have provided in the above code list.
  3. Last is by giving 2500 fragments to Plokster NPC that will reset your stats of the Blox Fruits game.

What Are 2x EXPs?

“2x” means the double rate and “EXP” means experiences of the game. When a player uses a 2x EXP code then It will Increase game experience points with a double rate. But why do we need 2x EXP game codes to reach the higher game level, you have enough EXP points otherwise, you can’t unlock the other game world and achievements.

What Are $1 (Beli) Codes?

The “Beli” is the only virtual currency of the Blox Fruits game. Using it you can buy new devil fruits and EXP points.

What is the meaning of Title Change?

Sometimes players want to hide their Roblox name inside the “Blox Fruits” gameplay. Then, in this case, they use “Title Change Codes” to change their in-game title.

How Do We Get New Blox Fruits Codes?

To get new game codes, please follow the “go play eclipsis” game group on their official Twitter handle page that is @BloxFruits

Game Description!

Blox Fruits is a popular game on the Roblox platform released on 1/16/2019 by Go Play Eclipsis studio. In this game, you can become a master swordsman or a powerful devil fruit player. The game features a variety of in-game items such as swords, powers, and gear that can be obtained through various means such as completing quests, trading with other players, or redeeming Blox Codes.

  • Current level cap: 2450
  • Current fruits in the game:
    • Blizzard, Bomb, Spike, Chop, Spring, Kilo, Smoke, Spin, Flame, Falcon, Ice, Sand, Dark, Revive, Diamond, Light, Love, Magma, Door, Rubber, Quake, Human Buddha, Barrier, String, Bird Phoenix, Rumble, Paw, Gravity, Dough, Shadow, Venom, Control, Soul, Dragon, and LEOPARD fruits.

Blox Fruits In-Game FAQ

  • All Devil fruits spawn on the map every hour and will disappear after 20 minutes. But only two Blox Fruits can spawn in each VIP server until it is restarted.
  • You can buy all devil fruits from the Blox Fruits Dealer NPC. All NPC restore random fruits every 4 hours. While every server will have the same fruits for sale.
  • The number of skills a fruit has and the mastery necessary to use them depends on its rarity and it can vary from 2 to 4 skills.
  • Bosses can drop special items such as accessories or swords.
  • Accessories are rare items that can boost your stats.
  • Mastery boosts your stats by 1 point every 3 levels and also unlocks new skills. You gain mastery by finishing off enemies with the weapon you want to level up.
  • Mastery doesn’t reset when you switch out items. If you acquire a new item it will start at 1 mastery, but if you decide to switch back to your previous item, the mastery you had on that item will return.

Note:- Do not exploit or auto farm, our auto-detection will catch you and we do not appeal our bans.

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