First of all, let us tell you who is BURG.L in the Grounded game. The BURG.L is a robot working for Dr. Wendell Tully and works as a science manager in the science lab at the Oak tree. It is hidden till you do not complete the mission “investigate the mysterious machine” in Grounded. When the lasers supply extra current to the machine then there occurs an explosion at the science lab of the Oak tree.
When you will reach Oaktree, you will find BURG.L in the lab. Before it, you need to kill the TAYZ.T ( It is a kind of Robot also) in the Oak Lab. After reaching him, he will introduce himself by saying that “I am BURG.L, acting science manager for this project. I am also a robot“.
He can answer the different questions that are running through your mind. Trading is also done with BURG.L in return for some Raw Science. It also provides you with three different quests every day. For that, you have to go to the robot and take the quests daily. When you complete these quests, it will provide you extra Raw Science as Reward.
All 10 BURG.L Chips
There are a total of 10 BURG.L chips in the Grounded game. All BURG.L Chips are the research memory cards used to store Science Project data files. These chips contain research notes that BURG.l Seems to like it. There are two types of BURG.L chips Auxiliary chips and Super tech chips.
- Auxiliary Chips
- Super Tech Chips
Auxiliary Chips (Missing BURG.l Chips)
The Auxiliary Chips are small capacity chips used to store lab project data. If you find these chips BURG.L will help you to learn new survival recipes. There is a total of 6 Auxiliary Chips also known as Missing BURG.l Chips in the Grounded game that you can trade with BURG.L for some free Raw Science. You need to find these chips to get advanced crafting ideas from BURG.L. Following is the list of all 6 Missing BURG.l Chips’ names and their locations.
Auxiliary Chips | Chip Location |
Red Anthill BURG.L Chip | Red Anthill |
Sunken Outpost BURG.L Chip | Pond Lab |
Sandbox BURG.L Chip | Sandbox Lab |
Picnic BURG.L Chip | Picnic Table |
Woodpile BURG.L Chip | Termite King Hideout (THE TERMITE DUNGEON) |
- Red AnthillBURG.L Chip
- You will find this chip inside the cave in the western Anthill. There are a lot of red ants in the cave and if you are lucky then you will find some ant eggs too. For the chip, go to the lowest room of the cave.
- There is another BURG.L chip on this location named “grave robbery BURG.L chip”. You can find this chip inside the Western Anthill place.
- Sunken Treasure BURG.L Chip
- This chip is located underwater pond lab near the T-Rex toy. Check our guide “How to get Sunken Treasure BURG.L Chip“.
- Sandbox BURG.L Chip
- The Sandbox chip also known as the “Candy Conundrum” chip is located inside the Sandbox Lab. But the lab is locked and only can be unlocked using Assistant Manager Keycard. Players can get this keycard by defeating the “Assistant Manager” robot boss inside the black Ant lab.
- Picnic BURG.L Chip
- The “Picnic BURG.L Chip” is located on the top of the bee hive. It is locked inside a golden treasure chest. To unlock this chest, you need to find the “Minotaur” key first.
- Woodpile BURG.L Chip
- The Woodpile chip was introduced in the “Into The Wood” game update. You can find this chip inside the Termite cave, located near the blistering coals of the spilled barbecue.
- Stump BURG.L Chip
- The chip was introduced in the Grounded 1.0 release “Go Big GO Home” game update. You can find this chip inside the Stump Lab, located inside Door “A”.
BURG.L All 4 Super Tech Chips
The Super chips are special and they play an important role to bring back the missing BURG.L memories. They back up full directories of the BURG.L memory system. There are four Super BURG.l Chips in the Grounded game. These chips are very useful if you are going to fix the SPAC.R machine. Every super chip stored important data about the machine. We can say that you need these super chips to fix the SPAC.R machine that help you to grow big again. There are four labs where you can find these super tech chips. All four labs throughout the yard area, each with a super chip. Here is the list of all four Super Chips with their locations.
Super Tech Chips | Chip Location |
Hedge Super Chip | Hedge Lab |
Pond Super Chip | Pond Lab |
Haze Supr Chip | Haze Lab |
Blank Ant Super Chip | Blank Ant Lab |
So find the super tech chips and return them to the BURG.L and then he will tell you how to repair the SPAC.R machine.
- Hedge Super Chip
- This chip can be found at the secret Hedge lab on the Southeast side of the map. To get Hedge super chip, you have to complete the Hedge lab quest and find the all terminal computer passwords. When you open the last room to turn on the power supply at the Hedge lab, you can see the Hedge super chip on the table in this room.
- Haze Super Chip
- This chip is located inside the haze lab. However, the lab is locked unless you find the Hedge BroodMother boss Research Notes. After this, the lab will unlock to the explorer, and you can find the “Haze BURGL” chip.
- Pond Super Chip
- For this chip, complete the Pond lab quest first. You’ll find the Pond Super Chip (Fishbowl BURG.L chip) on a chair beside the supercomputer in the Biodome.
- Black Anthill Super Chip
- You can find the “Black Anthill” chip above the “Assistant Manager” room inside the black Ant lab.

How-To Give a Chip To BURG.L?
When you get a BURG.L chip then go to the science lab at the Oak tree. Interact with BURG.L, it will provide a menu with different options.

Select the option “I Found a BURG.L chip” then click on it. After clicking on the option, BURG.L will give you Raw science as a reward for returning the chip.
How To Trade Raw Science with “BURG.L” Robot?
For trading, go to the BURG.L and interact with it. Then, you will find a trading option for different things. It can either give you some new crafting ideas or either give you a permit to analyze at the Lab scanner. That will advance your building experience in the game.
Raw Science Summon Commands
- BP_RawScience_A_C
- BP_RawScience_B_C
- BP_ScienceBits_C
BURG.L Audio Log Commands
Here is the list of all audio log commands of BURG.L…
- BP_Burgle_C
- BP_AudioLog_BurgleA01_C
- BP_AudioLog_BurgleA02_C
- BP_AudioLog_BurgleA03_C
- BP_AudioLog_BurgleA04_C
- BP_AudioLog_BurgleA05_C
- BP_AudioLog_BurgleA06_C
- BP_AudioLog_BurgleA07_C
- BP_AudioLog_BurgleA08_C
- BP_AudioLog_BurgleA09_C
- BP_AudioLog_OminentA01_C
- BP_AudioLog_OminentA02_C
- BP_AudioLog_OminentA03_C
- BP_AudioLog_OminentA04_C
- BP_AudioLog_OminentA05_C
- BP_AudioLog_OminentA06_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellA01_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellA02_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellA03_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellA04_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellA05_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellA06_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellB01_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellB02_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellB03_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellB04_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellB05_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellB06_C
- BP_AudioLog_WendellB07_C
- BP_AudioLog_Wendell_BAH01_C
- BP_AudioLog_Wendell_BAH02_C
- SBP_AudioLog_Wendell_U01_C
- BP_AudioLog_Wendell_U02_C
- BP_AudioLog_Wendell_U03_C
- BP_AudioLog_Wendell_U04_C
- Summon BP_AudioLog_WendellB05_C
- BP_Audio_Log_World_AntTotem_C
- BP_Audio_Log_World_Cave_C
- BP_Audio_Log_Base_C
- BP_Note_Spy_Hedge_C
- BP_Note_Spy_Haze_C
Lab Audio Logs Commands
- BP_AudioLog_Hedge_01_C
- BP_AudioLog_Hedge_02_C
- BP_AudioLog_Hedge_03_C
- BP_AudioLog_Hedge_04_C
- BP_AudioLog_Hedge_05_C
- BP_AudioLog_Hedge_06_C
- BP_AudioLog_Haze_01_C
- BP_AudioLog_Haze_02_C
- BP_AudioLog_Haze_03_C
- BP_AudioLog_Pond_01_C
- BP_AudioLog_Pond_02_C
- BP_AudioLog_Pond_03_C
BURG.L All Tech Chip Commands
If you face any trouble finding all BURG.L chips in Grounded then here is the command list of BURG.L Tech. chips.
- BP_SuperTechChipHedge_C (Hedge Super Chip)
- BP_SuperTechChipPond_C (Pond Super Chip)
- BP_SuperTechChipWeed_C (Haze Super Chip)
- BP_SuperTechChipAntHill_Black_C (Black Ant Super Chip)
- BP_TechChipPicnicTable_C
- BP_TechChipStump_C (Stump Burgl Chip)
- BP_ColorCollectible_C
- BP_TazT_C
- BP_TechChipAntHill_C
- BP_TechChipFlowerbed_C
- BP_TechChipHedge_C
- BP_TechChipMint_C
- BP_TechChipPaint_C
- BP_TechChipPond_C
- BP_TechChipOakTree_C
- BP_TechChipWeed_C
BURG.L Wikipedia: All Questions Related To BURG.L Robot
According to the game logs and BURG.L, the motive to create BURG.L is to a burger shop. Dr. Tully created it while he was working on designs for an automated burger restaurant. BURG.l is the last existing Burger Lad Mark IV with a beautiful mustache that is working on the experiments and research of Dr. Tully after his disappearance.
These are the few questions, you should know about BURG.L – The Robot…
Who Created BURG.L?
The creator of the BURG.L is Dr. Wendell Tully from “Ominent Practical Technologies“. According to the game, Dr. Wendell created the robot “BURG.L” to manage his projects in the science lab. It handles all the lab projects and works on the repair if any problem occurs.
What Is The Main Point of BURG.L in Grounded?
It is the last Burger Lad Mark IV that is continuing the research and experiments of Dr. Tully. You can also upgrade tools with the help of BURG.L in exchange for some Raw Science. BURG.L will also lead you to complete different tasks in the game.
What are the Operating Parameters Of BURG.L?
There are three main parameters of BURG.L in the Grounded game…
- Cooking
- Flipping
- Grilling
It has also the functionality to adapt anything like it has adapted the many things from Dr. Tully. BURG.L is also good in an organization, data science, and mustache grooming.
How To Get Burger From BURG.L?
As we told above, BURG.L use to cook food and make a burger for Dr. Wendell. If you want a burger from the robot then interact with it first and ask a question from BURG.L. It will answer by saying that “Consuming raw or undercooked meats may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions”. And also says that it will show you the truth behind its grilling function.
What is Raw Science in Grounded?
With Raw Science, you can trade different items with BURG.L. According to the BURG.L, it is definitely not cooked science and true nature is eluded by Dr. Tully. It is observed to be a byproduct of the experimentation process that occurs in the lab. These all are just perceptions of BURG.L.
Raw Science Commands
- BP_RawScience_A_C
- BP_RawScience_B_C
BURG.L All Daily Quests
There are different quests that the BURG.L gives you. The benefit of these quests is that you will explore new places in the game and know more. It will also help you in gaining some Raw Science. We are providing a list containing all the quests in-game.
These Quests are simply of two types: one is repeatable and some are non-repeatable…
Repeatable Daily Quests
The given list has all the daily quests that repeat after some time…
- In this Quest, you have to analyze the non-analyzed item. As there are lots of items in the game so you will have this quest many times in the game. It will unlock new recipes, tools, and many more items in the crafting menu.
- Reward: You will get 100 RS after completing the quest.
- You have to craft new items in the game to complete this quest. It can either be a tool or a gear that you have to craft.
- Reward: You will get 100-300 RS after completing the Quest.
This is quest is a little bit different because in it you have to kill different insects. Kill the insects to complete the quest and gain Raw Science. Below are all the hunter quests in Grounded…
- Hunter: Aphid
- Kill 10 Aphids to complete the Quest.
- Hunter: Bombardier Beetle
- Kill 5 Bombardier Beetle to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 500 RS
- Hunter: Gnat
- Kill 5 Gnat to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 75 RS
- Hunter: Infected Mite
- Kill 5 Infected Mites to complete the Quest.
- Hunter: Infected Weevil
- Kill 5 Infected Weevil to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 600 RS
- Hunter: Ladybug
- Kill 5 Ladybugs to complete the Quest.
- Hunter: Larva
- Kill 5 Larva to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 100 RS
- Hunter: Lawn Mite
- Kill 10 Lawn Mites to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 100 RS
- Hunter: Orb Weaver
- Kill 10 Orb Weaver to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 800 RS
- Hunter: Soldier Ant
- Kill 5 Soldier Ants to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 125 RS
- Hunter: Spiderling
- Kill 5 Spiderling to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 200 RS
- Hunter: Stinkbug
- Kill 5 Stinkbug to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 500 RS
- Hunter: Weevil
- Kill 5 Weevil to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 300 RS
- Hunter: Wolf Spider
- Kill 3 Wolf Spider to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 750 RS
- Hunter: Worker Ant
- Kill 10 Worker Ants to complete the Quest.
- Reward: 100 RS
Non Repeatable Daily Quests
The following quests appear one time only as you complete them they will not repeat.
Chipsleuth: Grave Robbery
- This quest contains the objective of finding the grave robbery chip. You can find this chip in the anthill at the west. The chip is in the middle room of the cave, go there and take the chip to BURG.L.
- Reward: 100 Raw Science
Chipsleuth: Cold Blood
- In this quest, find the “Stained BURG.L” chip and return to BURG.L. The location and description of the chip are already mentioned above.
- Reward: 100 Raw Science
Explorer: Bird Bath Bluff
- The objective is to create a Landmark at the bath bluff of the crow. You have to take some sprigs, plant fiber, and cover leaves to build the Landmark.
- Reward: 100 Raw Science
Explorer: Fallen Oak Branch
- This branch is in the middle of the map containing a lot of sap on it. Go there and mark it according to the objective.
- Reward: 100 Raw Science
Explorer: Great Oak Beacon
- Great Oak Beacon is also a lost site in Grounded that you need to find. It is near Oaktree to the downside of the hill.
- Reward: 100 Raw Science
Explorer: Plank Cliff
- Plant Cliff is the site in Grounded that you can find on the west of the map near the hill
- Reward: 100 Raw Science
Explorer: Western Grasslands Ant Hill
- To complete this objective, go to the western anthill and make a landmark on the top of the hill. Be careful of the ants wandering there.
- Reward: 100 Raw Science
So that’s all about BURG.l and its wiki in the Grounded and we will come back with other interesting BURG.L information in the future. So stay tuned with us…