How To Get Ladybug Pet | Roblox Adopt Me

The Ladybug is a new kind of pet in the Roblox Adopt my game. There are three different varieties of these pets that are Ladybug, Golden Ladybug, and Diamond Ladybug. Many players asked us to help them in getting these pretty parts. So, here is the post that’ll guide you on how to get Ladybug Pet in the Adopt Me game.

Adopt Me Farm Shop Location
Farm Shop Location

Firstly, you need to visit the Farm shop where all the Ladybugs are roaming. This Farm shop is located on the right side of the Adoption Island. To go there, take the right just before the bridge and go straight until you find a big red building that is Farm Shop. Enter this building and you’ll reach a beautiful and pleasant place with lots of butterflies.

What is Diamond Lavender & How To Get It?

Diamond Lavender is a food that you can use to bribe a Ladybug pet. There are many Ladybugs in the Farm shop that you can have as a pet with the help of Diamond Lavender.

How to get diamond lavender
How to get diamond lavender

To get the Diamond Lavender, talk to Lily-The Ladybug that’ll tell you that lavender is the favorite food of a Ladybug. You can purchase it for 199 Robux from Lily and attract some Ladybugs. One thing you must know here is that there is no surety that you’ll get a golden or diamond Ladybug pet. Here are the chances of getting a particular Ladybug pet…

Pet NameRarity/Chances
Basic Ladybug35/40
Golden Ladybug4/40
Diamond Ladybug1/40

How To Get The Ladybug Pet?

To adopt a Ladybug, purchase a Diamond Lavender for 199 Robux and start interacting with the Ladybugs. When you equip a lavender in your hand, a lot of Ladybugs will start hovering around you. One Ladybug will automatically take the Lavender from your hand and you acquire an all-new pet.

Adopt Me Ladybug Pet
Adopt Me Ladybug Pet

As we have told above that there are very few chances of getting the Golden and Diamond Ladybug. If you are looking for these two then it may be possible that you have to buy some more Diamond Lavender with Robux. Otherwise, you can also trade the basic Ladybug with other players if you are low on Robux.

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