Noob Army Tycoon Commands List

Commands and cheat codes help players to play any game more easily and reduce the game’s difficulty. Like other Roblox games the “Noob Army Tycoon” has its own cheat codes and commands that will you to play games more easily. In this post, we will discuss both of them.

All Noob Army Tycoon Commands List

There are seven types of commands in the “Noob Army Tycoon” game which are…

  1. Non-Admin + Commands
  2. VIP + Commands
  3. Mode+ Commands
  4. Admin + Commands
  5. Head Admin + Commands
  6. Owner Commands
  7. Donor Commands

Non-Admin Noob Army Tycoon Commands

The non-admin are those commands that don’t require any paid VIP game pass. All players can use these commands without paying any Robux money. These all are zero-rank commands but some of them need a special VIP pass to be used properly.

Note: Write “me” in the place of <player> to use a command for yourself.

;pink <player>Returns your ping (latency) in millisecondsForeverHD, Exo_Byte
;commands <player>Display Commands MenuForeverHD
;morph <player>Display Morphs ListForeverHD
;donor <player>Unlock 5 exclusive commandsForeverHD
;serverRanks <player>Display Server Rank ListForeverHD
;info <player>Display the Player’s infoForeverHD
;credits <player>Display All Creditors list ForeverHD
;updates <player>Display All Game UpdatesForeverHD
;settings <player>Display Game SettingsForeverHD
;clear <player>Clear all messages on your screenForeverHD
;radio <player>Coming soonForeverHD
;getSound <player>Coming soonForeverHD

Noob Army Tycoon VIP + Commands List

These commands will work if you buy a VIP game pass for 240 Robux first in the shop section. These all are the rank 1 (VIP) commands by ForeverHD

;cmdbarOpen the command bar at the top
;refresh <player>Clear all effects and loops from the player
;respawn <player>Respawn the player
;shirt <player> <number>Shirts
;pants <player> <number>Pants
;hat <player> <number>Hats
;clearhats <player>Clear all hats accessories
;face <player> <number>Faces
;visible <player>Visible the player
;paint <player> <color>Paints
;material <player> <material>Material Type
;reflectance <player> <number>Number of Reflectances
;transparency <player> <number>Number of Transparency
;glass <player>Glass
;neon <player>Neon
;shine <player>Player will shine
;ghost <player>Player will vanish
;gold <player>Make the player Gold
;jump <player>Player will Jump
;sit <player>Player will sit
;bigHead <player>, unBigHead for undoBig Head
;smallHead <player>, unSmallHead for undoSmall Head
;potatoHead <player>, unPotatoHead for undoPotato Head
;spin <player> <number>Player will spin
;rainbowFart <player>Rainbow Fart
;icecream <player>Cool environment
;wrap <player>wrap
;blur <player> <number>Blur effect
;hideGuis <player>Hide Guys
;showGuis <player>Show Guys
;ice <player>Ice
;thaw <player>Thaw
;freeze <player>Freeze
;jail <player>Jail
;fire <player>Fire
;smoke <player>Smoke
;name <player> <text>Will change the player’s name
;hideName <player>Hide Name
;showName <player>Show Name
‘r15 <player>Unknown
;r6 <player>Unknown
;nightVision <player>Turn on night vision
;dwarf <player>Make the player as a dwarf
;giant <player>Make a giant
;size <player> <scale> eg. 1-10Change the player’s size according to the number
;bodyTypeScale <player> <scale> eg. 1-10Change body scale
;depth <player> <scale>, ;undepthDepth Scale
;headSize <player> <scale> eg. 1-10Change Head Size
;height <player> <scale> eg. 1-10Change the player’s height
;hipHeight <player> <scale>Change the player’s hip height
;squash <player>, unSquash for undoFlatten
;proportion <player> <scale>Proportion Scale
;width <player> <scale>Width Scale
;fat <player>Increase Fat
;thin <player>Make the player a dwarf
;char <player> <userId>Unknown
;morph <player> <morph>Unknown
;view <player>Spectate
;bundle <player> <number>Show all packages
;dino <player>Trex
;follow <player> <userId>Teleport you to the specified player’s server (if they are in the same game as you)

Mode + Commands List (Rank 2)

;banland <player>Show Player’s ban list
;logsShows games logs
;chatLogsShow Player’s chat logs
;invisible <player>Make player invisible
;fly <player> <speed>fly plane 1
;fly2 <player> <speed>fly plane 2
;noclip <player> <speed>
;noclip2 <player> <speed>
;clip <player>
;speed <player> <speed>Increase the player’s speed
;jumpPower <player> <number>Increase player’s Jump
;health <player> <number>Increase player’s health
;heal <player>Heal the player
;god and ;unGod for undoYou become immortal
;damage <player> <number>Damage
;killKill the noob army in one shot
;teleport <player> <individual>Teleport
;bring <player> <individual>Bring another player
;to <player>
;apparate <player> <studs>Teleports the players X studs forward (8 default)
;talk <player> <text>Talk with another player
;controlshow game controls
;handTo <player>
;give <player> <tools>Give tools
;swordPlayers have a sword
;gear <player> <number>All gears
;cloneMake the player’s clone
;change <player> <stat> <string>Change the player’s stat and string
;kick <player> <text>
;ban <player> <reason>Ban a game player for a reason
;directBan <player> <reason>Direct Ban
;permBan <player> <reason>Permanent Ban

Mode + Hint & Title Commands

  • ;h <text>
  • ;hr <text>
  • ;ho <text>
  • ;hy <text>
  • ;hg <text>
  • ;hdg <text>
  • ;hb <text>
  • ;hdb <text>
  • ;hp <text>
  • ;hpk <text>
  • ;hbk <text>
  • ;title <player> <text>
  • ;titler <player> <text>
  • ;titleo <player> <text>
  • ;titley <player> <text>
  • ;titleg <player> <text>
  • ;titledg <player> <text>
  • ;titledb <player> <text>
  • ;titlep <player> <text>
  • ;titlepk <player> <text>
  • ;titlebk <player> <text>

Admin + Rank 3 Commands List

;cmdbar2Show another CMD bar
;clearClear all stats
;insert <number>Insert the number of items
;serverMessage <text>Text to server
;serverHint <text>
;countdown <number>
;countdown2 <number>
;notice <player> <text>Give notice to any player
;privateMessage <player> <text>Send a private message
;alert <player> <text>Alert a player
;tempRank <player> <rank>Ranks a player, unless he leaves
;rank <player> <rank>Rank a player
;unRank <player> <rank>unranked a player
;music <number>Change Music
;pitch <number>Change Pitch
;volume <number>Change Volume
;buildingToolsBring all building tools
;chatColor <player> <color>Change chat color
;sellGamepass <player> <number>Sell player’s Game Passes
;sellAsset <player> <number>Sell the player’s asset
;team <player> <teamcolor>Change team color
;add <player> <stat> <value>
;substract <player> <stat> <value>
;resetStats <player> <stat> <value>Reset the player’s all stats
;time <numberChange the time
;muteMute the sound
;place <player> <number>
;fogEnd <number>
;fogStart <number>
;fogColor <color>
;vote <player> <answer> <question>

Admin + Message Commands List

  • ;m <text>
  • ;mr <text>
  • ;mo <text>
  • ;my <text>
  • ;mg <text>
  • ;mdg <text>
  • ;mb <text>
  • ;mb <text>
  • ;mdb <text>
  • ;mp <text>
  • ;mpk <text>
  • ;mbk <text>

Head Admin + Rank 4 Commands List

;lockPlayer <player> (;unLockPlayer)Locks all parts with the specified player
;lockMaplocks all parts in the workspace, preventing players from selecting & editing parts
;saveMapSaves a copy of the map
;loadMapRestores the last saves copy of the map
;createTeam <color> <teamname>Create a new team
;removeTeam <team>Remove an existing team
;permRank <player> <rank>Rank player permanently
;crash <player>
;forcePlace <player> <number>
;serverLock <rank>Lock the server for players
;timeBanDisplay the ban menu
;globalAnnouncementBroadcasts a message to all servers
;globalVoteDisplay the poll menu
;globalAlertDisplay the alert menu

Rank 5 Owner Commands

  • ;globalPlace <number>
  • ;globalForcePlace number>

Donor Commands

There is a total of five exclusive donor commands in the “Noob Army Tycoon” game. But you must be a donor to use these commands by donating some Robux to the game developer.

  1. !laserEyes <color>
  2. !thanos
  3. !headSnap >degrees>
  4. !fart
  5. !boing

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