Troops are the main aspect of the Noob Army Tycoon game because they defend your army base from other noobs’ armies. The “Noob Army Tycoon” Troops consist noobs, vehicles, air vehicles, and ships. There are two types of noobs in the game, which you used to make the best army troop for attacking.
Noobs are the main game characters and act as an army troops. There are many different noobs in the game, which work as both troops and workers.
Air Troops (Noobs) – These troops will attack other noobs from the sky.
Combat Repairman – Will repair vehicles in the combat field.
Gunner Noobs – These are your basic army troops and will defend your army base from other noob’s armies.
Group Noob Worker – Work as a team
Worker Noob – These are the workers, which work in the headquarters building. Where they generate +1 Money every second.
VIP Noob Worker – These are VIP workers and act as army officers. For them, you need to spend 200 Robux.
Premium Workers – Premium workers are top-level army officers and you can get them by purchasing Roblox premium.
Sniper – The sniper troops will Protect your army base by sniping from the tower.
Super Noob Worker – These workers are similar to normal noob workers, which work in the headquarters building. The only difference between them is they generate +10 Money every second.
ResearcherNoob – The researcher noob work in the research center building. Where they generate +1 Research every second.
Suber Noob Researcher – The super noob researcher also works in the research center building. Where they generate +10 Research every second.
Best Noobs in Noob Army Tycoon!
Noob Name
Super Soldier
It is the largest noob in the game and the best part is, it can carry two guns
This noob has a large metal shield for its protection that makes him longer on the battlefield
Noob Flamethrower
It will throw flames on other noobs’ army
Fire Noob
The fire noob is the most dangerous noob in the game because it can burn everything including tanks, vehicles, and other noobs.
Noob Army Tycoon Noobs Tier List
The “S+” is the best tier and “D” is the lower tier on the given noobs tier list.
Normal Noob
D Tier
Heavy Solider
B Tier
Heavy Swordsman
B Tier
D Tier
D Tier
Combat Repairman
B Tier
D Tier
A Tier
C Tier
C Tier
Explosive Noob
S+ Tier
B Tier
A Tier
Rocketeer Anti Vehicle
S+ Tier
B Tier
Heavy Shotgunner
A Tier
Heavy Shotgunner Shield
S+ Tier
Combat Medic
B Tier
Gunner Shield
A Tier
Heavy Gunner Shield
S+ Tier
Fire Explosive Noob
S+ Tier
Heavy Minigunner
A Tier
Special Forces Minigun
S+ Tier
Laser Soldier
S+ Tire
Laser Minigunner
S++ Tire
Rail Gunner
S+ Tire
Research Railgunner
S Tire
Research Laser Soldier
S+ Tire
Research Laser Minigunner
S++ Tire
Super Noobs Tier List
Super Noob
Super Solider
A Tier
Super Minigunner
A Tier
Noob Flamethrower
A Tier
S+ Tier
Fire Noob
S+ Tier
Electricity Noob
S+ Tier
A Tier
A Tier
Noob Army Tycoon All Vehicles Tier List
This tier list consists of all vehicles in the noob army tycoon game that you can use to defend your noob army.
Basic Vehicle
D Tier
Light Vehicle
C Tier
Research Light Vehicle anti-missile
A Tire
D Tier
Heavy Ambulance
B Tier
Heavy Vehicle
B Tier
Super Heavy Vehicle
A Tier
Explosive Vehicle
S+ Tier
Mortar Vehicle
B Tier
Scout Car
C Tier
Light Tank
D Tier
Light Railgun Tank
B Tire
C Tier
D Tier
Heavy Tank
B Tier
Super Heavy Tank
A Tier
Light Tank Destroyer
B Tier
Tank Destroyer
A Tier
Heavy Tank Destroyer
S+ Tier
Missile Tank Destroyer
S+ Tier
Heavy Missile Tank Destroyer
S++ Tier
Fire Tank
S+ Tier
Tank flamethrower
S+ Tier
Light Artillery
C Tier
B Tier
Heavy Artillery
A Tier
Light Anti-Air
B Tier
B Tier
Heavy Anti-Air
A Tier
Vehicle Rocket Launcher Anti-Air
A Tier
Heavy Vehicle Rocket Launcher Anti-Air
S+ Tier
Artillery Multiple Rocket Launcher
S+ Tier
Tank Multiple Rocket Launcher
S+ Tier
Research Railgunner
A+ Tire
Light Vehicle Anti-Missile
S Tire
Research Light Vehicle Anti Missile
S Tire
Research Heavy Explosive Vehicle
S+ Tire
Research Light Railgun Tank
S+ Tire
Air Vehicles Tire List
Air Vehicle
C Tier
Light Helicopter
D Tier
Heavy Helicopter
B Tier
Helicopter Rocket Launcher
A Tier
D Tier
Light Airship
D Tier
C Tier
Heavy Airship
B Tier
Light Bomber Plane
C Tier
Bomber Plane
B Tier
Heavy Bomber Plane
A Tier
Fast Bomber Plane
A Tier
Fire Bomber Plane
S+ Tier
Light Gunship Plane
B Tier
Research Heavy Missile Boat
A Tire
Research Heavy Destroyer
S Tire
Research Battleship
S+ Tier
Research Light Gunship Plane
S Tire
Research Fire Bomber Plane
S+ Tier
All Water Vehicles Tire List (Ships)
Ship Vehicle
Light Cruiser
C Tier
B Tier
Heavy Cruiser
A Tier
Petrol Boat
D Tier
Light Petrol Boat
C Tier
Heavy Petrol Boat
B Tier
Missile Boat
A Tier
Light Missile Boat
B Tier
Heavy Missile Boat
S Tier
Torpedo Boat
B Tier
Light Destroyer
A Tier
S Tier
Heavy Destroyer
S+ Tier
Light Aircraft Carrier
A Tier
Aircraft Carrier
S Tier
Heavy Aircraft Carrier
S+ Tier
Light Battleship
B Tier
A Tier
Research Battleship
S Tire
Research Heavy Destroyer
S+ Tire
Research Heavy Missile Boat
A+ Tire
2 thoughts on “Noob Army Tycoon Troops Tier List 2023”
please update this
Ok, we will update the entire tire list with updated troops and vehicles.